Turn Your Outdoor Storage Shed or Barn Into A Home Studio

Buy an outdoor shed for a home studio
A 12x30 Classic Shed  Sewing Room
Outdoor sheds and backyard wooden barns from Sheds Unlimited can be used for all sorts of purposes. Some might choose to use them simply to store outdoor garden tools, others for a garden potting shed, a utility shed or a pool house shed. But a recent customer of Sheds Unlimited went the extra mile and created a SMALL HOME STUDIO out of which she is running a sewing business. The story caught the attention of Bob Vila and an article online tells the story of the new 12'x30' Classic Wooden Shed out of which the owner is now running a small business. Read the story here: Sheds Reach New Style Status - Bob Vila

Sheds and Barns for the Backyard
The Classic Shed is Being Delivered
 Getting the outdoor wooden shed in place was a challenge, but with the help of a Sheds Unlimited Mule and some careful work, Glenn was able to place it just where it needed to be.

Wooden Storage ShedsPhotos of sheds inside

Pool House Shed

Check out this lovely looking Pool House Shed. This is another custom built outdoor shed that has been built to please the customer. How would you like a beautiful backyard pool house for those hot summer days?
Buy this pool house today!

That is only the beginning of the possibilities for the outdoor sheds from Sheds Unlimited. Call us today at 717-442-3281 and find out how we can meet your needs for a pool house shed or a home studio of your dreams. Or email us at office@shedsunlimited.net for a free estimate.


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